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- Speech & Language
The Speech and Language Therapy Team works collaboratively to integrate within the classroom in order to enable students to access communication support throughout the school day. This supports our ethos that therapy is most effective when fully embedded throughout the day and that communication is fundamental.
The Onsite Speech and Language Therapy team provides support as outlined in each child’s Education Health and Care Plan. This typically involves:
- Working closely with the classroom staff and school senior leadership team to create an optimum communication environment (e.g. use of visuals such as timetables, schedules, object/video cues; Makaton; PECS; AAC etc)
- Assessment of your child’s language and communication skills.
- Where indicated, assessment of eating, drinking and swallowing skills and provision of mealtime guidelines and skills development programmes.
- For students who may need Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems to help them communicate, we offer assessment and on-going support, with a range of equipment to trial as part of assessment. We have expertise with a wide range of AAC systems, including personalised communication books and high tech voice-output technology. We also have close links with the Specialist AAC Assessment Centres such as GOSH ACS and Compass Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology Service.
- Setting targets linked to identified outcomes.
- Direct working with children in a whole class and/or small group (depending on your child’s individual needs) in collaboration with teaching staff. This enables the therapist to model strategies and activities which can then be repeated and embedded by school staff across the week.
- Liaising with teaching and support staff regarding your child’s needs and progress.
- Liaising with and working in collaboration with relevant professionals (especially occupational therapists, nursing staff, dieticians and physiotherapists).
- Provision of training to communication partners in relevant strategies and approaches.
- Attendance at or provision of written information for relevant school based meetings e.g. annual review meetings.
Our Team
Jayla Arnold (Specialist Speech & Language Therapist) |
Bushra Choudary (Assistant Speech & Language Therapist) |
Parents are invited to telephone the school office if they wish to make an appointment to discuss their child’s therapy