Music Links

Music Links, partnerships, celebrations and performance opportunities
The following regular links and partnerships are established through the music department:

KINGSBURY HIGH SCHOOL- our partner mainstream secondary school. Pupils have shared lessons with KHS students on both sites, leading to performances at both schools, and the KHS music ambassadors regularly attend workshops and shared projects at The Village. We undertake some elements of Arts Awards together, such as performances and concert trips. KHS staff attend joint music training with us, including in Sounds of Intent.

OLIVER GOLDSMITH SCHOOL- our linked mainstream primary for music. Our students attend lunchtime music clubs at OGS which lead to joint performances. OGS pupils come to The Village to join in celebrations of festivals and “One World Week”, all involving singing and music. Lanes Pathway Village students in KS2 regularly link up with OGS for school projects led by The Wigmore Hall.

THE WIGMORE HALL EDUCATION DEPT- we participate in projects yearly supporting the curriculum and arts awards. This involves a workshop, music lessons on a theme (a particular genre or based on a picture book), training for staff and an interactive concert for the children as a culmination of their work that term.

LSO ST LUKE’S LEARNING - 6th formers regularly attend lunchtime “Discovery” concerts which are accessible for children on all our pathways. We use these concerts as a focus for our AQA Unit Awards with students. We also access gamelan workshops at the same venue, which have formed a focus for some art awards.

BRENT SPECIAL SCHOOLS AND BRENT MUSIC SERVICE- we are linked to other special schools in Brent through the music service, and the special schools' network is coordinated from The Village. We have led training in Sounds of Intent and have also led a joint item every two years at the “Brent Makes Music” event at Wembley Arena. We also access Brent Music Service training.

LIVE MUSIC NOW - we work closely with this organisation to provide concerts and longer-term projects to our students using professional musicians. We also work with Live Music Now to give training opportunities to musicians looking for experience in special schools.

IROKO DRUMMERS AND ABUNDANCE ARTS - we work with these two organisations using workshops and longer-term projects to teach children using African drumming/call and response as a route through the Sounds of Intent framework

PARENTS, STAFF AND THE BRENT COMMUNITY - we involve parents in our end-of-term concerts and “One World Week”, and we use parental knowledge to access music resources from some of the represented countries in our school. Staff assist in our cultural days celebrating Diwali, Eid, Hannukah and Christmas as well as “One World Week”; for example, we have a staff gospel choir, a group of Indian singers and dancers and Pakistani staff advising us on the tunes and lyrics of popular children’s rhymes and songs.

MUSIC FOR YOUTH - we enter this competition every year with our school band and have twice reached the finals in Birmingham